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Thursday, November 3, 2011

We Go Together Like Meat and Potatoes

I've already mentioned some ways Mr. Hawk and I are different. (Like I'm a crier and he's pretty unemotional. I can be a gut-feel gal, and he likes the hard cold facts.) But the reality is that those differences are just the tip of the iceberg with us. I'd even venture to say that we are more different then we're alike in a lot of ways.

Mr. H and I grew up very differently. We come from different ethnic backgrounds, different socioeconomic backgrounds, and different lifestyles. Mr. Hawk was one of four children and spent most of his adolescence living out in the country. (The sticks!) I was pretty darn spoiled being an only child most of my life. Growing up I moved around quite a bit. From Arizona to Virginia to Texas to Tennessee back to Virginia, I never really had a "hometown."

In fact, our differences were so blatantly obvious that when Mr. H and I first started officially dating, I received a lot faux-pleasant "oh really?"'s. (The southern equivalent of "no effin' way!") I heard whispers (not always so quietly) from friends. None of the talk had anything to do with friends disliking one of us, I think we just really took everyone by surprise. They didn't picture us together.
What they failed to realize at the time was that our differences is what make us work.  If Mr. H and I grew up in the same city, had similar families, and had every interest in common we would be SO.DARN.BORING. Our differences allow us to have interesting conversations where a lot of times we arrive at the same conclusion but have completely opposing reasons as to how we got there. We get to be exposed to new experiences (like Mr. H's first camping trip)! And best of all we get to explore and cultivate new interests together as a couple (like our obsession with local baseball and our new found love of wine tasting).


I wouldn't want to lie to you and say that it is all sunshine and rainbows. There are some days when I exasperatedly wonder, "why doesn't he get where I'm coming from?" But we're learning from each other, and I really believe that we're growing into better people because of one another.  I can't imagine us any other way. (And in case you were wondering, our friends now definitely agree.)

Did you and your significant other have a lot in common right from the start?

All photos personal


  1. Your blog is so cute! And you two make such a sweet couple. I think my fiance and I are really different too, but you're right–it's what makes us work! Life would be boring if we were the same :)

    I'm a new follower. Check out my blog too. It's full of great wedding inspiration. And right now I'm hosting a giveaway, so be sure to check it out and enter! Hope to hear from you soon.

    The Blushing Bride

  2. Y'all look so great together! I can't believe anyone ever thought otherwise :)


  3. @Shardi Thank you! I am loving your blog as well!

    @Whitney Thank you for your sweet comment! :)
