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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hawkily Ever After: Bread Ends and Cocktails

After finishing up the photography, Mr. H and I hopped into our chariot friend's Tahoe.

Although we had originally planned on arranging group transfer from the ceremony to the reception, time and money got away from us. Instead we regrouped at the hotel and carpooled with the wedding party. Glamorous? Notsomuch, but it worked out just fine!

While I took a moment to breath at the hotel (and shoved a Cheese Shop bread end or two in my mouth to keep from passing out), our guests were enjoying cocktail hour.

On the menu? Bruschetta, international and domestic cheeses with assorted crackers, fresh fruit, and vegetables with a variety of sauces.
The wait staff also passed jumbo shrimp cocktail, pinwheels of boursin cheese, asparagus and roasted red pepper, along with Mr. Hawk's barbecue sliders.

Although we arrived at the reception before the cocktail hour was over, we chose to relax in the entryway for a few minutes before our Grand Entrances. Thankfully, our caterer stashed some hors d'ourves for us, so we were able to sample everything. I must admit, I think Mr. Hawk was right about the sliders. They were delicious!

Will you having a cocktail hour? 

Miss a Hawk recap? Don't fret! Catch up here:

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