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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Screeching Hault

This is what has happened to my planning...

Image Via Impressions Through Media
I had heard that this was a common thing that many brides faced during the planning process, but I didn't think it could happen to me. I would be immune due to my type-A tendencies. I'm a list-making, post-it-crazed, self-proclaimed master of organization. Road blocks don't happen to brides like me, right? Well hello reality check. Here I am, struggling to even write this post... I think I'd rather take a little nap... Yawn. (Hey, Miss Porcupine and Miss Fox, let's go do something completely wedding-unrelated together!)

Unfortunately, Mr. Hawk gave me a very unwelcome reminder this morning that we are almost exactly five months out from the wedding. (In case you're counting, about 150 days.) Half of me is excited that we're nearing our wedding day, and the other half of me is happily ignorant with my head in the sand (Wedding? What wedding?). In fact, I told Mr. H not to bring it up again because there is too much to be done (and I'd like to enjoy my ignorant bliss for a few days longer.)

I'm a little frustrated with myself for letting this happen. My to-do checklist has gone untouched for nearly a month. Crafting and researching haven't happened. Instead I've spent my time reading about everyone else's planning on the 'bee and have been content to see y'alls progress. I'd like to blame it on the fun of the holidays, my approaching birthday, and upcoming trip to spend time with my family, but I know that excuse can only last so much longer before I'm going to have to take some ownership of my slacking.

Help a Hawk out. How did y'all regain your motivation after hitting a road block? Have any advice to get me off my bum?

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