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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Once Upon a Time...

The Mr. and I's relationship didn't start off like the typical fairy tale. We met New Year's Eve 2007 when a friend brought him along to our apartment. I was there with my then-boyfriend. We went out to the bar and I paid him no mind, but he apparently left quite an impression on one of my best friends. At some point in the night, they got into a heated discussion. She was quite annoyed with him. So when she later posted pictures from the night out, she cropped him out of the shot and even made some sassy comment like, "yea, I cropped that guy out."  We later started hanging out in a group on the regular, and he called her out on the photo incident. Luckily he has a good sense of humor! Who would have known that "that guy she cropped" would one day become my future hubby?

Personal photo, March 2008

Fast forward a few NYEs and relationships later, and I found myself confessing my crush on him in the kitchen at his buddy's birthday party. He claims he called me immediately the next day, but I have no recollection of that. (Sorry, Mr. Hawk. If I don't remember, it must not have happened. ;) ) Not long after that we started to spend more one-on-one time together. Sparks flew and we fell in love. (Cue Disney music and singing birds...)

I'm obviously ecstatic with the way things turned out between Mr. Hawk and I, but we never had a "first date." We weren't even sure of the day we made our relationship official. I guess our relationship just developed out a friendship and turned into something more when the time was right.

How did you meet your significant other? Was it unconventional or Disney-worthy romance from the start?

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